Lotteries are a pure luck game and it is not possible to influence who will win. Even if you have lotto statistics and earlier lotto results you cannot calculate a winning line.
The chance of winning at lotto and becoming a wealthy millionaire is mathematically minute. The chance of winning money (fast money) or earning money on lotto does not exist. Pure chance steers who will become rich on their lottery lines.
In order to have a chance of winning on lotto one must buy a ticket. The only chance of increasing the chance of winning is to play more lotto lines. The chance of winning doubles if one has 2 lotto lines instead of one lotto line.
You must also choose the right lotto. Most state lotto’s are the wrong lotto’s.
One should instead select a European Lotto where you can personally play, via the Intermet. Never play through a third party – if you win and become a millionaire then the risk is great that the third party will take your money. In theUSA one cannot even go to the police if this happens, such are the rules.
Lotto must also be based within the EU/EEC so that the winnings are tax-free. I play 1 lotto line every week (and some extra lotto lines sometimes) on the The Lottery.
The guaranteed Jackpot is always EURO 20 millions and the same lotto line less the bonus number wins about EURO 200000. The lotto winnings are tax-free. 60% goes back to the players, compare that with many lotto’s that returns only 45%. But mostly the jackpott is hundreds of millions.
Further more the The Lottery supports the Red Cross so one supports a good cause every time one plays. Golotto is the weekly lotto with the draw every Friday. It is possible to see the lotto results on their site via the Internet. The lotto draw is shown in real time but one can also see it later as all lotto draws are archived.
On the The Lottery one can also play the lotto system. Just click on More ways to Play. The system is created automatically, I recommend playing 7 lines if you want to try it. You then get a Wheeled Ticket with the lotto system played on it. You avoid buying your own lotto programme or manual lotto system.
In short, it is not possible to ensure winning money, earn money or get fast money by playing lotto system. Lotto is a pure game of chance and the chance of winning is minute (so one does not play for larger amounts). That is why the jackpots are so enormous.
Someone wins, it is purely by chance, and all those who play have the same chance. It can just as well be you of I who wins just as well as anybody else. I am a part time professional with sport betting and know what the odds are – and yet I also play lotto. It is worth a line a week to have the chance.
So copy me, give good luck a chance and play a line a week on the The Lottery.
Good luck and may you be a rich millionaire.